Posts tagged fashion
Exercise and Shopping: How You Sweat May Tell You Something About How You Shop

When explaining what I do for work, I often describe myself as a personal trainer for people’s style. Like a personal trainer who uses strength and fitness as a means of improving how their clients look and feel, I use fashion and styling to help my clients feel more confident in their outward appearance, which in turn, bolsters their self-esteem and results in stronger personal presentation and carriage.

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Age Appropriate Dressing: My (Daughter’s) Closet/Her (Mother’s) Closet

The questions surrounding “appropriate” dressing seem to come up more and more these days. Putting aside recent off-base remarks regarding how women dress and how they are treated sexually, people—not just women, but men, too—want to dress their age (i.e., “appropriately”), but not the connoted image of their age. Read more about striking the perfect balance—one that suits you—on the blog. 

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